Priests, healadins, healing shamans, and druids please use mana oil. The Arcanist Regalia is a symbol of accomplishment for a highly practiced mages, each as formidable as the next. Mages and locks, please use wizard oil and don't hold back (unless told otherwise). Despite their intricate stitching and elaborate collars, these vestments are far from delicate. If you were looking for WoW Classic content, please refer to our Classic Mage addons and macros. On this page, you will find a number of useful macros and addons to make your life easier when playing your Fire Mage in World of Warcraft Shadowlands 9.1.5. the only thing healers get out of this is the crit chance. Fire Mage DPS Macros and Addons Shadowlands 9.1.5. (personally i never want to hear OOM during a raid.)Ģ)wizard oil is meant for dps. Ie x2+36 and since x1< many changes will be made to the mop after patch 5.4. Now, since it's dps being argued, it's easy to say that spr will be low in comparision to a healer. mage mage script (s) have been adjusted to the latest developments: splitted the 1-2 & 3+ target script at different full aura locations for user comfort and to adequately adjust the rotation. as a world of warcraft player, no matter which class you choose to play, there must be a dps dealer in your class list. now since spr plays a factor in this, the argument is your regen rate/15s +36 (in order to balance the tick regen and oil regen) +dmg also applies in crit strikes.ġ) mana oil can be useful for a dps caster, but +healing is not of any use. Cone of Cold for all 3 specs, instead of Frostbolt. Boring passive talents that give flat damage, redesigned. Talents that barely give 2-3 damage increase or less, redesigned. Hundreds of bugs across all 3 specs fixed. +dmg is ALWAYS there, and tends to surpass +crit in dps over time. The Too good to be true changes: None of the nerfs below. Not only that, the chance is also RANDOM. (life tap if you're a lock)Ģ)although int does add +crit, the amt is minor. Комментарий от Thottbotit's true that a caster shouldn't always go haywire on dps in raids.ġ) in raids, you usually carry health/mana pots and demonic/dark runes.MAGE COLLAR OF THE FIRESTORM WOW PATCH